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** For details of Alister Farquhar Matheson's book, 'The Mathesons of Lochalsh - Survival in Scotland's WIld West, please see the Interest page **

** For the April 2024 Association of Highland Clans and Societies (AHCS) Newsletter, please see the note at the bottom of this page **

** There's a recent Article on the Kirkmichael Church and Burial Ground in the Black Isle, and the work of the Kirkmichael Trust in Malcolm's Corner **


The Clan Matheson Gathering 2024

     Updated 9 July!        


The Gathering will take place 20-23 July 2024 inclusive

– July 20-21 in Lochalsh, July 22-23 on the Isle of Skye

To view the 9 July UPDATED Gathering Information Sheet (v5), click here

  • There have been some changes to the schedule for the Gathering

  • The Gathering Information Sheet gives details of how to book the Plockton Boat Trip which has a choice of departure times - 17:30 and 18:30 on 20 July  

  • There is some further helpful information around costs, travel, accommodation and merchandise (pp. 4-6)

  • The UK & Europe branch of the Clan Matheson Society will cover the participation charge of £15 (see p. 4) for all of its paid up members

Please let us know, using the form on the Contact Page:

  • if you're planning to attend

  • if you reside in the UK / Europe and wish to join the UK & Europe Branch (Annual Subscription £8). See the benefits of becoming a Member here

The Clan Matheson Society has put together a selection of goodies for the Gathering - visit the Shop for details

The Lochcarron Games Website contains a wealth of information




Recent Webinar - Thursday 20 June 2024

A Thoroughly Modern Mary: the afterlife of Mary, Queen of Scots in the 20th and 21st century


In this talk, Professor Steven Reid talks about the new essay collection ‘The Afterlife of Mary, Queen of Scots’, the culmination of an eight-year project looking at Mary’s reception in popular culture from her death in 1587 until the present day.

Professor Reid will focus on representations of Mary across a wide range of text, media and objects since the beginning of the 20th century, and show how Mary’s distinct image and story still continues to fascinate global audiences.


The talk will explore where Mary currently stands in historical debates and literature, and how these have developed over the past half century; Mary’s place in contemporary drama and literature, in works including Liz Lochhead’s Mary Queen of Scots Got her Head Chopped Off; a round up of all the films and TV programmes Mary has appeared in; Mary’s place in education and children’s literature; Mary’s place in modern art and performance (including drag portrayals); and commercial objects relating to Mary.


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Recent Webinar - 4 April 2024

For centuries, Scots fought in Crusades to the Holy Land, Spain, and the Baltic.

This talk explores the role that they played in these wars from the First Crusade through to the Reformation and beyond, and how the Crusades affected Scotland in turn, leaving their mark on its landscape and culture.

Among the stories discussed are James IV's crusade fleet, the Knights Templar and Knights Hospitaller in Scotland, and the two Gaelic poets that went on the Fifth Crusade.


Dr Rory MacLellan


Rory MacLellan is a historian of the Crusades and late medieval Britain. He holds a PhD from the University of St Andrews for a thesis on the Knights Hospitaller and is currently working as a cataloguer and manuscript researcher at The British Library


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Annual subscription for UK and Europe Branch

At the 2021 AGM, it was agreed to further reduce the membership subscription.  The Treasurer has stated it will be £8 (or its equivalent in Euros) starting in 2022.  The Family Membership is no longer, as are legacy Life Memberships, so it will be just £8 per household.  Older children of member families earning a reasonable wage are encouraged to join the Clan Society in their own right.  Please use the CONTACT page to get in touch.  Some of you are still paying previous fees, be assured rebates will be issued by cheque.  We have also changed banks from RBS to the METRO.  The bank details of the new Clan Matheson account are available on request, please email 

We prefer that subscription payments are paid by 'annual' Standing Order using online banking. If not a posted cheque works for us.  When you are updating your Standing Order, please tick the annual payment box.

Please use your Clan reference, which are your initials and the last 3 of your postcode: For example, AAM-2HX.

It is essential to identify which Matheson or Mathieson you are, so that we can identify you correctly as the payee.   

Clan Matheson Society UK & Europe Branch Committee Posts


If you look at the bottom of the CONTACT page, you will see posts held by members of the UK & Europe Branch.  If you feel you may be able to help, please email to find out what is involved before having to commit.  Any post can be re-organised to suit you.


Secretary: We have managed without a Secretary for a while, the post is effectively mothballed, unless any feel it might be for you.


Clan Matheson Society information and media

The old MEMBERS page on this website, which had a library of downloadable information, has been removed because its log-in was unstable and difficult to administer.  Those members, who had previously applied for access to this page, are invited to email to request any Clan documentation and media.  We will arrange by post or by internet download the files / folders you require.  This service is free and it is only available to paid-up members of the Clan Matheson Society. 

**  Clan Matheson Society Newsletters  **

The Newsletter is published annually.  We do not have a dedicated UK & Europe Branch news reporter (for want of a better description) and nor should we.  It is published for its Members, and it is a forum for you to tell us your news.   If you have anything at all that might be of interest including just a photograph or just a short article, please let us know.  In the first instance, please contact who will forward your article to the editor. 

UK Legislation:  General Data Protection Regulations

The Clan Matheson Society (CMS) use your personal details (i.e. names, email and postal addresses, telephone numbers and any preferences) solely for the administration of Society matters, and these are not passed to anyone without your permission.  For the CMS to have your personal details on record, you would have given the CMS UK Branch your consent to keep a record of your details.  Occasionally the CMS will ask you to confirm your consent.  If we do not hear from you, your record will be struck off.  Your personal details are only made available to those tasked with running the UK & Europe Branch of the CMS in the course of their duty.


You are responsible for notifying the Membership Secretary of any changes.


The Membership Secretary is responsible for ensuring the records are safeguarded as best as possible within the resources available to the CMS.


You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting the CMS, and if this may be the case, you will no longer be a member.  The CMS will delete in toto your personal details as soon as the accounts of that financial year have been audited.


You are entitled to ask for a record of your details, or for further information, email





The AHCS April 2024 Newsletter is available here and a supplement is available here.
The AHCS Facebook Page contains a number of extremely interesting posts.

Note for the diary: the Inverness Highland Games and Gala are usually held mid-July at which the Clan Matheson is welcome. For more information please get in touch through our CONTACT page or the HIGHLAND COUNCIL page.

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